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Amy Yourman

Retired lawyer, free-lance translator

Since When Have You Been Involved with HWB

May, 2019

Why HWB?

Very prosaic reason - I bought a new car after 20 years and needed to justify owning it!

What Is It You Do for HWB?

I volunteer as a driver, I serve as one of the coordinators for the rides and I also serve on the medical committee, dealing with requests for getting vital medical assistance unavailable through the PA.

What Does Volunteering Mean to You/Influence?

It has very much opened up my eyes to the ramifications of the occupation. It has also given me the opportunity to meet many lovely families from all over the West Bank whom I never would have encountered otherwise.

What Are the Challenges of Volunteering for HWB?

I devote a significant amount of time to HWB, and I find it very rewarding. Challenges are the traffic, the mess at the Qalandiya crossing, and confronting the fact of seriously ill children.

How Would you Describe HWB?

The good will and tremendous work of the volunteers and the appreciation of the families and the bonds formed between the two groups give me some hope. I also greatly appreciate the fact that it is operated 100% by volunteers who are determined to make sure that any family asking for transportation is taken care of.a


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